Saturday, August 30, 2014

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

    First off I want to congratulate Amie and Meagan for being able to write a book together from opposite sides of the world. Next I want to congratulate them on writing a amazing book.  This is definitely now one of my favorite books. Unlike when I went into Reboot, I had high expectations from this book, because of all the high and good ratings I've read on goodreads and heard from people. I was not at all disappointed this book took me on so many twists and turns and I still love it, because, well, I love a book that can surprise me, but not totally shock me and then murder me *cough* *cough* Allegiant. This book was a perfect balance of surprise, nothing over and nothing under. It was also so beautifully realistic in the characterization and the romance. I heard that this book was the 'space titanic' which is kinda true. Well, I haven't seen the Titanic, but I know the basics. I would give this book a 9.5/10 stars. Like I said before A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was just so perfectly balanced out, I really enjoyed reading this. If you're friends with me on goodreads you'd know this book took me longer than usual to finish it (a day) not because this book is a difficult read, but because I'm a little tired of marathon reading since I just finished the summer reading competition. In which, I might add, I read 31, 890 pages or something like that. This book's blurb is from Marie Lu, which made me want to read it even more since I love Marie Lu (author of the Legend Trilogy). I think this book doesn't get enough hype. You have some over hyped books like Matched and The Maze Runner, when other books that are a bijillion times better are just sitting there. Plus look at the beautiful cover!
    No matter what you say, we all judge books by their covers, so if you're telling me that you're a YA book lover and you SAW this book in the bookstore and didn't want to read it, either you're lying or you're in denial. I think I might be in love with this cover, it fits the book and it's beautiful and as for the next book in this series- This Shattered World- I don't like the cover as much, butI still like it. These Broken Stars definitely is one of my favorite covers, the background is beautiful and so is the picture and it fits the book, what else could you possibly want in life??? She's wearing a green dress on the cover, which yes, she is wearing for a lot of the book, unlike the Shatter Me cover. Let's see, this cover is gorgeous, fits the book, is cute, has a good font, have I mentioned gorgeous? I wish the people who thought out the covers for this thought out the Vampire Academy covers, because the covers and the name don't really do that series justice.
    Okay, sorry for my cover rave there, but just LOOK at the cover! I highly recommend this book, now you're probably like okay, it's like the space titanic, what else? Actually, if you read it you probably aren't thinking that. This book is about Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Meredsen. I didn't like the names much either but the beauty of this book made me forget that (kinda like with the name Clary) It's dual POV. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man on earth, while Tarver is a rather ordinary soldier (okay maybe not that ordinary). He knows that messing with girls like Lilac never works out and to stay away from them, but when their space ship, Icarus, crashes and they're the only survivors, it's kind of hard to do that.
    This book like I said before is just so beautifully written, the characterization is spot on and the romance is just beautiful. I apologize for the over use of the word beautiful in this review. But by the angel this book deserves it. I love Lilac, she's not a spoiled rich brat, she's a good strong protagonist and so is Tarver. I hardly ever had moments were I was annoyed with them.
    Alright, here's the official synopsis for this perfect book.

    It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

    Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

    Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

    Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.


    A timeless love story, These Broken Stars sets into motion a sweeping science fiction series of companion novels. The Starbound Trilogy: Three worlds. Three love stories. One enemy.

    You don't think that sounds good? I don't like you, haha just kidding, I love you if you're reading my review, but it is better than the synopsis, I swear to the Angel Raziel. So I'm afraid I'm going to spoil you if I say anymore, so go read this book... now... and then come back to read my review :)


    Like I said before I really went into this book with high expectations, I got myself really excited this time by reading some of my friends' reviews on goodreads, by ten pages in I was already assuming it was a 9/10 stars. By halfway through I was sure it was a 9/10 stars unless something truly terrible happened. 3/4 of the way through I almost cried, I had one tear drop fall from my face. 1/1 of the way through I was freaking out and blogging about it almost immediately.
    I found it entertaining how both Lilac and Tarver were waiting for the other to turn around and come after them, technically Tarver was the one to turn around, but for a very good reason- saving Lilac's life from a giant evil feline.
    Obviously the things Lilac kept hearing weren't hallucinations, like it's a book, this is not a hallucination. I really wanted to know what it was though. Did anyone else find it an adorable moment when Tarver was talking to Lilac about his house to try and cheer her up? just AWWW.
    "By comparison, a beautiful girl sounds like a vacation." There are no words. None for how I was feeling there, this book just sent me into spirals. It's romance was spot on, not instalove (thank the angel) but not something that took them so long to get together that it annoyed even me, who loves the tension. I thought that mate something attacked Icarus, like how Tarver saw that thing besides Icarus and how they saw stuff in the sky, will that come into play later I wonder? It says one enemy. Who do you think that is? Feel free to comment below about it, I want to know. Is the enemy nature? Oo her father? OR WHAT??? I need to know! I can't wait until December for the next book! Flynn and Lee sound like great characters! (Lee is a girl)
    'He's drowning. And I'll drown with him.' This book had a little bit of a poetic side, which I enjoyed, I always like my meaningful quotes along with my humorous ones. That one quote I just found poetic and cute at the same time, Lilac and Tarver's relationship is so complicatedly simple that you can't help but love it and become invested in it.
    "Remember the ladylike behavior of yours?" Haha the clothes part.
    So between chapters we keep reading parts of Tarver's interview, at first I was exceedingly confused at what in the angel's name that was, but by like the fourth chapter I got it. Then about 40% through it got me thinking, why isn't Lilac there? At first I would've just thought that she'd have been shipped away or was with her father or something but then I thought.... It couldn't be because she's dead... could it? But we'll get to that later. I kind of want to know more about Sarah, Tarver's ex, the one who he thought was Lilac (is that how you say it??)
    Okay one of the few times I got slightly aggravated at Tarver was when he was convincing himself that Lilac only liked him because he was the 'last' person there. I see the logic behind that, he can't have his walls to open up only to be torn down and wrecked when he was right, but still it's a NOVEL of course she likes him for him.
    The first time he says 'my girl' whiwdvijowfviohvwfwivohas vfh the feels, yes I did notice the small two letters in front of girl.
    When Tarver was sick and he talked to Alec, I forgot to mention this, I thought that was cute and funny. I'm glad that Tarver got to talk to Alec twice, hav egis last two conversations with his older brother before he was completely gone. If you didn't know, my new laptop that I got this summer, is named Alec. Not after this Alec of course, but Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments. Why? Because I often refer to Alec Lightwood as my 'babe' or my baby and for a couple weeks I just called my computer 'my baby' because I couldn't think up a name, so when one of my friends noticed this and said I should name him Alec, I thought about it and decided to name him that. I now have two laptops, Alec and the Crapbox. I went on the Crapbox the other night to get the last of my files off it, ugh it is so slow and crashed which is what really pushed me to get a new computer. Just having the Crapbox and Alec next to each other made me realize just how much I love and cherish Alec.
    "I'd fight for you." S'cuse me whilst I go die of the feels.
    Oh dear Raziel when Lilac freaking died, I flipped. I just kept going over it in my head, Lilac can't be dead, there are like two more books. What? What is this? They have to bring her back. Maybe her ghost....? I actually went back to read that part just to make sure I wasn't imagining it. My eyes got watery and one tear slipped out. Congrats Amie and Meagan, you actually got a tear out of me. I wasn't exactly thinking straight, like Tarver, but I knew Lilac had to come back somehow, otherwise this book would probably just be from Tarver's POV... right?
    I'm pretty sure everyone was confused at what exactly this in-pain ghost-Lilac was, and why she was brought back to life. I was really glad Lilac was back, though. So Amie and Meagan give us this hope and then.... we find out she's just temporary. Yeah, no. That is not okay. FAKE HOPE!
    But not fake hope...
    'How can you cave someone who's already dead?' I absolutely loved this quote. This book was just so well written, you have to read it if you continued on to read even though you shouldnt've (Is that how you say it?)
    When Tarver was telling Lilac that he loved her and that she was real, that is a I'm-crying moment, I wasn't actually crying, but I sure felt like it on the inside.
    Okay so it took them like forever to figure out that the password was 'lilac' seriously, that would've been my first guess and if I were someone breaking in, well, LaRouxs, you're screwed.
    Ugh that part in the interview meant to screw with you when he said he was 'trying to save his daughter' and then the interrogator is like 'well he lost her anyway' I was just like WHAT?! WHAT?! I'm still kind of like "WHAT?!" About that but as it also went through my mind then, I guess it just meant he lost her because she was like blackmailing him, yeah, great father-daughter relationship.
    This books ending was nothing less than perfect, I absolutely loved this book. Keep checking in for more reviews, I still have the Unearthly Trilogy, Rebel Belle, and Immortal City left sitting on my TBR part of my book shelf ;)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rebel by Amy Tintera

This is the second book in the dualogy by Amy Tintera. If you scroll down and read my last review it’s on Reboot, the first book in this book dualogy. This review is spoiler free for Rebel, but not for Reboot. I will just tell you before you leave- this book was better than Reboot. I would give it like a 6.8/10, very close to 7/10, which is a really high rating for me. If you didn’t know, anything from 7-10 stars in my reviews are high recommendations, 6’s are pretty good as well. I enjoyed this book, but like the last one it was a very light read, which is not my favorite kind of book to read. Rebel was more interesting than Reboot, though. Having more action it was more exciting. I still love Wren, she’s still a kick arse main character. I loved Abbie, she’s kind of like the new Ever, like Wren’s  new best friend, kind of. This book was intense and full of action. There were some new characters introduced- Micah especially. At first I thought it might be a love triangle with Micah but nope, I hate Micah, I could tell there was something wrong with him from the beginning, so I do not consider that a spoiler. Then there’s Riley, we all knew Riley was alive from the last book, but now we get to meet him, I loved Riley’s character, and I especially loved his relationship with Wren, while reading this book I really didn’t want him to die, him, Abbie and Wren, I really didn’t want them to die since they were my favorite characters in this book series. Callum got less aggravating in this book but he still annoyed me. If you’ve read Reboot and wasn’t crazy about it like me, I recommend you pick up Rebel just to find out what happens, it’s not as dull as Reboot was. No offense to any of you who liked Reboot, I just couldn’t get myself interested. I really liked the covers to these books, they were simple and cool. Especially the second one, one because the circle looks cooler and two because it’s blue and black, my two favorite colors. 
So this book got exciting-ish at times, but not enough for me to be able to loose myself in the words. Like I said before I really enjoyed Riley and Addie’s presence in this book, aside from Wren, they were the only characters besides Callum and Micah that we really got to know. The last book ended off when they arrived at the reservation, so this book starts off right from that moment. Rebel is dual POV, meaning it’s from both Callum and Wren’s point of view. I’m never sure how I feel about dual POV in a later book, if you’re going to have dual POV I feel like you should have it there from the beginning, and not just add it in in later books. It worked for the Lux Series, I enjoyed it, but when it switched from POV to POV in Allegiant I couldn’t remember who’s POV I was reading from sometimes, they just pretty much seemed like the same person except Tobias was being annoying as heck. Sometimes I forgot who’s POV we were looking from in this book, too. Though, at the top of the page there’s a thing that said REBEL/WREN or REBEL/CALLUM or something like that, very helpful if I ever bothered to look at it, which wasn’t often. 
The book feels a little bit rushed and yet at the same time a little too slow for me, I’m not sure how you can do both, but this book did. Both Reboot and Rebel are very short reads so if you’re looking for a short dystopian read to enjoy and not totally get into the feels about (LEGEND, DIVERGENT, AND DELIRIUM) this is a good light read, if you prefer heavy reads like me, I don’t especially record it to you :) Sorry about the short review, I just don’t have much else to say without spoiling you and I don’t have enough to say about the spoiler-y parts. I’ll see you guys soon in my new shipment of books that I haven’t read yet I have
These Broken Stars 
Unearthly Trilogy 
Rebel Belle 
Kiss of Deception 
Immortal City 
So keep checking in for reviews on those ;) depending on how busy I am this weekend I might post one or two more reviews, also depending on if I start the Unearthly Trilogy and if I decide to review the books separately or together. 
Thanks for reading! I love you guys! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reboot by Amy Tintera

    If you remember, I've wanted to read this book for a while now. So, my shipment of books came in yesterday, well most of them. I was planning on reading the Unearthly Trilogy first, but amazon sent me the second two books first -_-. So I decided to pick up Reboot before I went to bed last night. This book didn't have enough reactions from me for a spoiler review, so this one is spoiler free :D So you guys can stay for all of it ;) When I say the book didn't get enough reaction out of me, I'm just saying I didn't have any impulses to write much down, I had about four notes, usually I won't make a spoiler review if I have less than have a page of notes, unless I really want to talk about it. This book was a sort of like, this isn't the right word but it's the only one I can think of at the moment- plain book. It had action scenes, a kick arse protagonist and a cool concept but it was just lacking, what I don't know, I just can't quite put my finger on it. I would give this book a 6.4/10 stars. It was good but not great or amazing more of a mediocre. Like I started this right before I went to bed, went to sleep early and didn't have a second thought about the book after putting it down and going to sleep, usually when I stop reading a book to sleep my brain is whirling. Like when I was reading Obsidian, though I really had to stop in that book at an unfortunate place. This book was just an easy put down book, very light, not a heavy read, which is the kind I prefer. Like I read it this morning before I went to school, but I didn't find it worth it to bring with me, and I didn't think about it at all or wonder about what would happen. It was almost a six stars but I added the .4 because I like when the main character can do a good arse kicking from the beginning.
    Reboot is a dystopian novel, and in this future, the only state left with living humans in it is Texas, the Republic of Texas, now. So, like many, many, many, dystopian novels, there's a sickness that causes the events to occur. The illness killed off the rest of America, or so they believe, I'm not sure if in the second book maybe Texas is just keeping America out or something. A Reboot is someone who died and came back to life, our protagonist, Wren Conally, is a Reboot. The longer a Reboot is dead, the more powerful and less human they are. Wren, is the Reboot who has been dead the longest, one-hundred seventy eight minutes. Once you become a Reboot you're 'property' of the government, kinda reminds me of the Lux Series there. Wren, has lived in this government facility for five years now, and she's their best soldier. Since she's been dead so ing, she has no feelings, hence she follows orders perfectly, no conflicting emotions. Wren is able to carry out all the tasks they give her, arresting people and going out to kill them mainly. When she's not out on a mission, Wren is usually training a new Reboot a 'newbie'. To be a trainer I think you have to have been dead for over a hundred minutes. Since Wren has the most minutes dead, she gets to pick her trainee, or newbie first. She always picks the highest number, as of the fact the highest numbers are stronger and feel less. Until now. This time, she picks Callum, a twenty two, which might be the lowest Reboot number ever. Callum is clumsy and has too many feelings. And he smiles too much. It's a little confusing to Wren, but slowly he begins to grow on her. The problem is, Callum is too human, he doesn't follow orders and he's not willing to kill people. The government doesn't like that, and Reboots who don't follow orders are killed. When Wren is ordered to kill Callum, she can't bring herself to do it, but if she doesn't kill him, it means both of them are dead.
    There's a slight summery of the book. I avoided this book for a long time because of Callum, I just don't like his name, sorry any Callum's reading this. It deeply reminds me of Callum from the Secret Circle. 
    Callum in The Secret Circle was creepy and weird. Plus I just don't really like the name Callum. Again, no offense any Callum's reading this. Also, I guess it wouldn't bother me as much if Callum was a kick arse main character like Wren or Addie. But he's not. Another reason I avoided this was because I knew Callum wouldn't be all kick arse. I wouldn't mind if the girl saved the guy every now and then, and Callum doesn't have to be a knight in shining armor, but he just bothered me. He refused to listen to orders, which is part of the plot, I guess, but he was just constantly doing things that irritated me.
    Then there's Ever, who is pretty much Wren's only friend. I really liked her. She was nice, sweet and really lovable she might be my favorite character in this book aside from Wren. I don't really like the name Ever much either, but her personality makes up for it.
    This is the official synopsis for the book:

    Five years ago, Wren Connolly was shot three times in the chest. After 178 minutes she came back as a Reboot: stronger, faster, able to heal, and less emotional. The longer Reboots are dead, the less human they are when they return. Wren 178 is the deadliest Reboot in the Republic of Texas. Now seventeen years old, she serves as a soldier for HARC (Human Advancement and Repopulation Corporation).

    Wren’s favorite part of the job is training new Reboots, but her latest newbie is the worst she’s ever seen. As a 22, Callum Reyes is practically human. His reflexes are too slow, he’s always asking questions, and his ever-present smile is freaking her out. Yet there’s something about him she can’t ignore. When Callum refuses to follow an order, Wren is given one last chance to get him in line—or she’ll have to eliminate him. Wren has never disobeyed before and knows if she does, she’ll be eliminated, too. But she has also never felt as alive as she does around Callum.

    The perfect soldier is done taking orders.

    I usually don't read anything below a 4 stars on goodreads, might as well read the highly recommended ones first, if I'm in the bookstore, I'll use the goodreads scanner and if it's three stars I'll be okay with putting it down unless it is really pulling to me. There are two main reasons I read books 1. If I find one that has a good synopsis and has four stars on goodreads 2. if one of my favorite book tubers or book reviewers have recommended it. I'm really picky about my books, just ask people I know, if I don't get a high recommendation from someone who's opinion I trust or find it myself, I will probably not read the book. I can see why this book hasn't made it to 4 stars on goodreads, it's just not very compelling, you don't insanely want to keep reading it. I don't highly recommend this book, and I probably won't be tearing through Rebel, the second and last book in this dualology but I'm planning on starting it sometime tonight. Maybe after I shower and do some procrastinating things. Maybe study some spanish or french, too. I don't know yet. I have a problem with once I start a series I have to finish it, unless it's really really bad, there is only one book that I never finished the series to, and that was The Maze Runner, I just couldn't get into that book and my friends agree with me on that one. Thomas was dull and the book was rather boring too. I mean, I even finished the Matched series, the first book to that series was okay the second book was crap and the third book might've been worse, I can't remember. I also can't read more than one book at once, but that's not much of a problem since I read them so quickly. Like two of my friends can read multiple books at a time and stop in the middle of one and just not read it again. I can't do that. And if either of you two are reading this yet, I can't believe neither of you have finished City of Heavenly Fire yet, you both got it the week it came out. One of them read like 80% of it on the first and second day and hasn't picked it up since, and the other just doesn't read that much. The one that read 80%, I can't believe you, first you skip City of Ashes, Clockwork Prince and just skip to the epilogue of Clockwork Princess, but HOW COULD YOU NOT FINISH CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE?! I just don't understand. Sorry this is a friend rant now, haha, okay see you guys when I finish Rebel, the review will probably be up tomorrow or the next day depending how lazy I feel.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Revenge of Seven by Pitticus Lore

    This book really picked up this series for me. If you read my last post you'd know that this series was just disappointing me lately, but this book was just amazing. I finished it literally five minutes ago so I have the story fresh in my mind. I would give it a 8.5/10 stars, very enjoyable. I highly recommend this book if you have read this series and like me, was giving up on it, or if you haven't read this series, I highly recommend it  to you, just endure through the fourth book, this is the fifth book of the Lorien Legacies by Pitticus Lore. The first book is called I'm Number Four. It's about this boy- Four. He's part of a dying alien race that fled to Earth after their home planet was destroyed. He's one out of Nine of the surviving aliens in his race. There was a charm put on the nine children who fled to earth, so that they can only be killed in their number order, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine. So when the other race of aliens- the Mogadorians- who attacked Four's home planet- Lorien- find the nine remaining children on earth, they begin hunting them down. One, Two and Three have now been killed, and now, Four is next. This is a great series, it has romance, action, and everything you could want in a sci-fi YA series, though, the writing style and the concept get kind of bad as it goes on, it's still worth the read. I say that now after reading The Revenge of Seven because this book was just so good. I went into it with low expectations, one because of how bad Fall of Five was and two because the name just doesn't really click. I'm curious to see what the next book will be called because they kind of ran out of numbers. I expected this to be the last book and while reading the book, it seemed like it was the last book. And then it ended. And then I flipped out. The next book definitely has to be the last book, because they're in the middle of the final battle now, that's all I can really tell you without spoiling it. So you should read this book series because it has humor, a fair amount of kick arse-ery and a pretty good romance. The characters are okay-ly written but I enjoyed reading about their personality and their legacies.
    Here's the summery for I am Number Four if this series sounds interesting to you:

    In the beginning they were a group of nine. Nine aliens who left their home planet of Lorien when it fell under attack by the evil Mogadorian. Nine aliens who scattered on Earth. Nine aliens who look like ordinary teenagers living ordinary lives, but who have extraordinary, paranormal skills. Nine aliens who might be sitting next to you now. The Nine had to separate and go into hiding.

    The Mogadorian caught Number One in Malaysia, Number Two in England, and Number Three in Kenya. All of them were killed. John Smith, of Paradise, Ohio, is Number Four. He knows that he is next.

    I AM NUMBER FOUR is the thrilling launch of a series about an exceptional group of teens as they struggle to outrun their past, discover their future—and live a normal life on Earth.

    Okay so I'll just say I read I am Number Four before I was really interested in reading, I mean I loved reading but not as much as I do now. I also read  I am Number Four really soon after it came out so I had to wait a year for Power of Six, then another year for The Rise of Nine, then another for the Fall of Five, another for The Revenge of Seven and I'm going to have to wait another year for the next book. Can anyone see why I might possibly want this series to end? The next book has to be the last one, to finish the final battle and to tie up all the loose ends. I really want Nine, Six and Adam to live. So the Revenge of Seven, like I said before I went into it with low expectations and came out awed. This book was really good, with the exception of Marina having some annoying moments and it not telling us who's Point of View it is, I really enjoyed it. I found myself flashing back to Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout a few times while reading this, I won't lie. Anyway I'm afraid if I talk more that I'll spoil you so go away none spoilery people and come back when you've read the book :)


    "Too bad these secret Mogadorian bases never have any exit signs."
    So Ella is Setrakus Ra's granddaughter, meaning I WAS CLOSE WITH MY THEROY, saying she was his daughter, I was just missing the grand. Also, I guessed this arse face was Loric, so yeah, I won't lie, I'm pretty proud of myself.
    "I'm sure Nine will be thrilled to know we have a fat cat with an obvious affection for Sam named after him."
    Haha, so in the beginning of this book, we start out with everyone pretty screwed, but then they get together make a plan and it just becomes so much more interesting. I thought that Bernie Kosar was dead but luckily he's alive, but then again he had like no part in this book because in the beginning he just left with Sarah. That's it. I was pretty disappointed about that, but hey, at least he's not dead.
    I felt so bad for Nine in this book, he was beating himself up about Eight's death, Marina was being a twit to him and when he saw that his only home had been ravaged, I just felt for him. I get why Marina would blame Nine, but I just wish she'd have been more forgiving earlier. I mean, in the beginning of this book she was just getting on my nerves, she was being a twat to Nine, freezing anyone who got in her pathway and being moody. Yes, I do also get why she was like that, but no offense to any of you who like her, but Marina was never my favorite, she just kind of seemed to weak, so she finally gets an attack power but she's using it to just pretty much bully people, I found that very irritating, I liked her a lot better after they got Eight's body back. Though, I was pretty annoyed at her when she was being an arse to Adam. And when Marina said Adam 'stole One's legacy' that just made me flip out. HE DID NOT STEAL IT FROM ONE IT WAS A GIFT HE DIDN'T WANT IT FROM HER!!!
    Setrakus Ra was a real pain in the arse, as usual. But then he linked them, and I freaked out because I knew that not of the Garde would kill him if it meant killing Ella, though, that's a weak point for him, too, I realized at the same time. Because if Ella sacrifices herself then he would die also. She almost did sacrifice herself, but then stupid face Five had to intervene, do I sense an affection between the two? Only the next book will tell. I don't want Ella to die, but if it served for the greater good than I think I would prefer Ella dying over Nine, Six or Sam. Oh, shall we get to Five? I knew this book would be redemption for him, and that just annoys me, and that extra book that came out on July 22 that I never bothered to read? It probably was making him more likable. But I still don't like him.
    That part where Adam killed his dad was so awesome. And that may be one of the most twisted sentences I've ever written. Adam really gained John's trust there, though, because he saved his life by killing his own father. It was just a great fighting scene where John was in that force field with the General and he was loosing, then he was about to get his face cut open when the General just sort of freezes, and Adam says, "Through the back. Isn't that how you'd do it, Father?" It was just such a great moment, that was when he really won John's trust, because before that he was hesitant to trust him. And then Adam takes his family's broadsword aftrnbfkjbfjib SO MANY FEELS.
    Did anyone else feel like the Garde meeting up again was way too easy? They just fly an aircraft over to Ashwood? I don't know what I was imagining happening for them to come back together, but it certainly wasn't that simple and easy.
    Sarah and Mark are going out to GUARD's home base since they're on the run and this thought popped into my head, is guard someone we could possibly already know? Authors do enjoy that kind of plot twist.
    BytheAngel when Adam was looking at Six and then she asks him what and he says she reminded him of someone he used to know. asdfnsfkjbfihofvivihvfb ONE!!! I think Adam and One have to be my OTP for this series so that just gave me a horde of the feels, I want him to like tell someone about One and to their view on that.
    Okay so when 'Eight' came back to life and the chapter ended, just *GASP*. I thought OMG MAYBE IF ADAM GETS ONE'S BODY AND BRINGS IT HERE SHE'LL COME BACK TO LIFE. Sadly it wasn't actually Eight, though if it was I might be a lithe annoyed too because you can't bring people back from the dead in this kind of book, it made sense in The Mortal Instruments but there isn't magic, there are aliens, otherwise it's completely normal, lol. But I'm glad Marina got to say goodbye to Eight.
    Let's talk the ending shall we? Marina says something like "We're no longer alone" and then it changes chapters, John is saving this couple when a Piken comes along and some wall of Telekinesis pushes it away and Sam says, "Did I do that?" AND THE BOOK FREAKING ENDS. YOU DO NOT END A BOOK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FINAL BATTLE, YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT, IT ISN'T FAIR TO HUMANITY, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER YEAR TO READ THE NEXT BOOK!!!! If you saw my face when I turned the page and the book was over......
    Alright so that was my review on the Revenge of Seven, I'm getting in a shipment of books today so I'll have another review up soon :) comment if there's a specific post you want made or book you want me to read :) OR you can comment your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
    Until next time,

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Revenge of Seven!!

THIS BOOK COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!! I'm so excited for the Revenge of Seven. It wasn't one of those, I'm constantly excited, though, it was more of a when I think about it I'm excited. So I read I am Number Four before the movie came out and fell in love with the story and the characters. Then I read The Power of Six, it wasn't as well written and thought out as I am Number Four, but it was still good, then The Rise of Nine I enjoyed mainly because of Nine and then I read Fall of Five. These books have a great idea, they just aren't written very well, it's a bit of a sloppily written job, I think, I'm not exactly sure how to explain it other than to say that the book's writing style gets worse throughout the books, even though the books get more exciting. I hope the Revenge of Seven is the last book, not because I don't like this series but because I just feel like it needs to end, though I'm not sure how The Revenge of Seven could be the last book, there's so much left to do. Also, Pitticus is running out of names. We have I am Number Four (Four) The Power of Six (Six) The Rise of Nine (Nine) the Fall of Five (Five) and the Revenge of Seven (Seven) so what numbers do we have left?   One, she's dead, for good, now. Two, dead. Three, dead. Eight, dead. Ten, she's not actually number ten. Unless Pitticus intends to reuse the numbers or use Adam or something I don't think he has any other name options. Plus The Revenge of Seven doesn't click as well as the rest of the titles.
I've read fan fictions for this story, and all of them bring Eight back. That is not going to happen, Eight's dead, I know he's awesome and all but you guys just have to accept that he's dead.
In these books Pitticus makes almost every character's eye color change at least twice, it's really confusing, I tweeted about it when I was rereading the books this summer. Who do you guys think is Pitticus? It has to be either Nine or Four and I thought that even before Eight died, because a. Four is convinced he's Pitticus b. Nine is convinced his fight is with Setrakus Ra.
I forget if I said this before but I have a theory about Setrakus arse face Ra. I think he's Loric, (gasp) I think maybe he's Ella's father, the selfish one who lived under the mountain. Maybe he got that scar from her mom when she was trying to stop him. Why I think this is because Arse face, sorry, Setrakus keeps calling Ella his 'heir' and he seems to have legacies. I'm pretty sure he has to be Loric, and if Ella is his heir than he's probably her father.
If you read my last post on this book series you'd know that my favorite character is Nine, I absolutely love him. I really hope he doesn't die in this book. I also hope he or Seven gets to kill Five. I don't really give a crap about him being one of the last Loric, that bastard has to die. But he's probably going to get forgiven or something and go back to Lorien with them. Ugh. I really hate Five if you couldn't tell, especially since he tried to kill Nine, killing Eight. I read Five's Legacy and hated him even more, unlike the rest of them, he's fat and lazy, when the rest of them were training hard to fight for their planet he was drawing in the sand on the beach. The only thing Five is good for is for stabbing repeatedly and for distracting the Mogs when Four was in Florida. I never bothered reading about Five's training, I mean, I was in Europe at the time and I didn't feel like it was worth it. Maybe that book showed that Five was actually a good person, alien whatever, but for me, there's no redemption for him, I really want to see him die in this book.
Aw Nine, he has such a sad story, that whole thing with Maddie and him having to kill Sandor, when I first read that years ago my eyes got watery. Nine, he's just been through so much and everyone just takes him for a douche, except maybe Four. He isn't really, he just has a facade. I really like Nine and Four's friendship, they're just polar opposites. Four: calm and controlled Nine: wild and reckless. Aw when Four went into that possessed sleep dream thing in Fall of Five, did you noticed the things about Nine? He leapt into the room to try and save him and he was really worried about him. I LOVE NINE. He's just awesome. I think it would be interesting to maybe see Nine and Six together, though Sam and Six is pretty cute.
Another person who I love? Adam Sektah or whatever his last name is. Just thinking about him and One  makes me feel empty and sad. She can't have just gone away like that! :( I hope he obtains the rest of her legacies, like telekinesis and whatever else she was destined to get. I'm really interested to see what everyone's final killing legacy is, aren't you? Adam finally joins up with the garde, after all this time waiting! That's probably the thing I'm most excited to read about in this book. ADAM WITH THE GARDE. Though, how will Four, Adam and humans get in contact with the rest of the numbers? I'm excited to see them invade Ash wood (That's where Adam lived, right?) I think they will, because that's what Adam proposed in the end of Fall of Five. Poor BK :(. I think that with Adam teaming up with them they can replace Five, I mean, Adam's way better, and he's a MOG FIVE! A MOG! They probably won't trust Adam for a while, keeping an eye on him and all that, and I know that's smart, but it's going to annoy me to read about. I don't know if I want to see Adam live through this war, I mean, I would love it if he did, but maybe if we got his point of view when he died we could see him reunited with One? I love One, ugh thank you Fallen Legacies stories for making me love a character who died! Before those books she was just someone who died after that she was One. So that was my rant on these books, comment below if you have anything to add :). 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Songs and Books

I've been thinking of doing  this for a while now and since I haven't posted for a couple days I figured I should do it now. I just ordered a pretty big shipment of new books from amazon so I'm going to have a pile of books to review for you pretty soon :) but then again school's coming back so.... :( 
So this post is songs that make me think of a book or a person/relationship in the books or TV show. 

True Love by Pink - Katy (Ann) Swartz/Black and Daemon Black's relationship in The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. 
I know this song could fit for a lot of other relationships, but I feel like Katy and Daemon's fit it best 
Echo by Jason Walker - Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, City of Glass, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Isabelle just felt so alone during that period after Max's death, blaming herself for everything I just think this song kind of fits her state of mind 
Angel with a Shotgun by The Can - Alex Andros and Aiden St. Delphi's relationship in the Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
Maybe it's because I had an obsession with this song when I read this series, but just listening to this song makes me think of the two of them because Aiden will do anything to protect Alex, including breaking all the rules
Shattered by Trading Yesturday - Jace Herondale and Clary Fray/Morgenstern's relationship end of City of Bones through City of Glass, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Because both Jace and Clary are so hurt, confused and broken by the fact that they're siblings, the lyrics in the song 'I've lost who I am' especially make me think of Jace 
All of Me by John Legend - Daemon Black and Katy Ann Swartz/Black's relationship in the Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
This song also makes me think of Daemon and Katy especially the lyrics 'You're crazy and I'm out of my mind'  “Daemon pressed his forehead against mine. "Oh, I still want to strangle you. But I'm insane. You're crazy. Maybe that's why. We just make crazy together.”  I just love Daemon and Katy
Down by Jason Walker - Seth Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
this song especially goes for the last book, Seth tried for everything but lost it all I loved Seth and Alex's relationship, didn't you? Seth was just so sweet and adorable
Secrets by One Republic - Simon Lewis and Isabelle Sophia Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare), Jace Herondale and Clary Morgenstern (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare), Liam Stewart and Ruby Elizabeth Daly (The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken) 
This is one of my all-time favorites. It just goes with everyone's relationship, okay? but I don't feel like putting them all down. Okay, maybe not everyone's relationship, but a lot of the relationships in books. "Here. This is a place where you don't need to lie." LIAM AND RUBY Adkjsnv (So excited for In The Afterlight!!!) 
Feel Again by One Republic - (another bunch of relationships) Simon Lewis and Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, Jace Herondale and Clary Morgenstern (the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) Daemon Black and Katy Ann Swartz (The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout), Gabriel Merrick and Layne Foster (Elemental by Brigid Kemmerer), William Owen Herondale and Theresa Gray (The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare) Ruby Elizabeth Daly and Liam Stewart (The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken) Sutter Keely and Aimee Finecky (the Spectacular Now by Tim Tharp) 
At least one in these relationships were sort of frozen in some sort of state and the other person helped them to well, feel again. Jace, Isabelle, Daemon, Gabriel, Will, Sutter. Ruby and Liam helped each other. 
Uncharted by Sara Bareilles - Katniss Everdeen The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Maybe it's because I was obsessed with this song when I read the Hunger Games, I don't know, but this song makes me think of Katniss
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol - Jace Herondale and Clarissa Morgenstern The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I don't know, the lyrics just make me think of Jace and Clary 
Over You by Ingrid Michaelson - Alexander 'Alec' Gideon Lightwood and Magnus Bane in the beginning of City of Heavenly Fire, The Mortal Instruments
Because they're so obviously not over each other but Magnus is kind of trying to weakly convince himself that he is, so if you listened to the song, you'd get it
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney - Jace Herondale and Clarissa Adele Morgenstern, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
More for Jace to Clary over Clary and Jace's relationship but yeah 
Change by Taylor Swift - Lena (Delirium by Lauren Oliver) 
I did listen to all Taylor Swift while reading these books when I was in Scotland, but I feel like this song just goes well with Lena's story- with Julian and Alex 
Hey Brother by Avicii - Niklaus Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals 
This song, just sort of from Klaus to Elijah and Rebekah

That's all I have for now, you can comment your thoughts or if you have any songs that go with your books/TV shows, if I find more maybe I'll make a part 2 ;) See you guys soon. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Divine Vices by Melissa Parkin

I was sent this book to read and give an honest review of it, so here it is.
This book's synopsis doesn't tell much on the story, so I went into this book not knowing whether it was a fantasy or realistic book. This book had a very slow beginning for me, I didn't get very into the story until about 70% percent in. I was kinda of dragging my feet in it. I would give Divine Vices 7/10 stars. It was fairly well written, just the beginning didn't grab hold of me. I think this first book was for character a little bit of world building, so I'm guessing from the ending of this book that the next books will be a lot more interesting from the start. I'm thinking that this book is one of those you have to read the first few books or so to get into the series, since it does have some very promising things happening, it just doesn't happen until the end of the story. There were times in the book where the wording got me a little confused, like it would say that Cassie sneered, but she said something that I just couldn't imagine anyone sneering when saying it. Some other things left me really confused, like something will happen and I'm still confused about this now. Also, the world building seemed a little hasty, but maybe that's just me. There were also some pretty weird comparisons like Jackson's eyelashes were 'as long and dark as a cows' it doesn't exactly put a great image in your mind.
So anyway, this story is about a girl named Cassie. It takes place nine months after her mother and sister died and she and her father moved to a small town in Maine. She lives a fairly normal life, two best friends, goes to high school, all that stuff, but the new boy- Jackson Matthews- has taken particular interest in her, and around the same time Jackson shows up, a bunch of weird things start happening. Like a few girls being murdered and someone trying to break into Cassie's house but not leaving evidence. Who is Jackson really? And is Cassie the murderer's next target?
Yeah, like I always say, I suck at making a synopsis. I can't really say much about the story without giving the book away, which kind of makes summing it up a little complicated, don't you agree?
Well, here's the real synopsis:

Danger seldom leaves its victims unscathed in the ways of seduction, and this lesson is one that sixteen-year-old Cassie Foster now knows all too well.

Nine months following the traumatic accident that claimed the life of her mother and sister, this high school junior has at last found a fresh start in the quiet town of New Haven, Maine. In the company of her best friends, Ian and Gwen, she’s bracing the usual turmoil of adolescence and taking all in stride… until the new transfer student, Jackson Matthews, comes walking into her life. He’s arrogant, sarcastic, roguish, devastatingly sexy, and the very last thing Cassie wants to entertain. But when circumstances drive these two together, she finds herself a bit too close for comfort as their bond intensifies. Plagued by unexplainable events, a sudden string of disappearances, and even a cult-related murder, Cassie begins to fear for her life. Is it all just a coincidence that these happenings began when this Casanova strolled into town, or has she in fact fallen for a real lady-killer, or worse?

The first line of the synopsis rather confused me when I first read it.
This book is pretty new, it was published less than a year ago. Like I said before, this series looks promising, and I think that once you get past the first book or two that this series will probably be great. This first book was more about getting to know Cassie, Gwen, Ian and Jackson and who they are. If you plan on reading this book, don't expect to be pulled in immediately, you have to be patient, but when you get closer to the end it gets better, I promise. I'm looking forward to seeing what Melissa has come up with for book 2.
Boring parts? Some
Confusing? Yeah, there were some very confusing things happening, especially near the end
Romance? A little
Sad parts? Sort of, but not really
Was it hard to really get into the story? Yes, it took a while
Funny? There was kind of a sassy humor but nothing that really got me laughing out loud

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sweet Trilogy by Wendy Higgins

Okay, so I decided to read this series because of the references to it in The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. The Sweet Trilogy was a pretty good series, not my favorite, but I didn't dislike it. Two words for you. Kaiden Rowe. That's all you need to know to want to read the series. In all honesty, Sweet Evil was a good book, but it didn't pique my interest enough for me to really want to read the next book, like I was content to just stop there, not because it wasn't enjoyable but just because it wasn't really interesting for me. This book series would probably be a 7.5/10 stars. Individually I would give Sweet Evil a 7/10 stars, Sweet Peril 7.5/10 stars, and Sweet Reckoning 7.5/10 stars. It certainly is a new twist on Nephilim, Angels, and Demons. There are those demon names that I recognized like Astaroth- that's Roth's name from The Dark Elements trilogy by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Mhmm Roth. Since I love reading about Nephilim, angels, demons, etc. I did recognize plenty of names in these books. I would recommend these books to someone who enjoys reading about angels and demons. The demons, well, the main demons, are fallen angels. There are twelve 'Dukes' which are fallen angels on earth. They each have a 'job' to corrupt humans with, there's
Pharzuph (Far-zuf) the Duke of Lust
Rahab (Ra-hab) Duke of Pride
Melchom (Mel-kom) Duke of Envy
Mammon Duke of Greed
Alocer (Al-o-sehr) Duke of Wrath
Kobal (Ko-bal) Duke of Gluttony
Astaroth- Duke of Adultery
Jezebet Duke of Lies
Thamuz Duke of Murder
Shax Duke of Theft
Belial (Bah-leel) Duke of Substance Abuse
and Sonellion Duke of Hatred.
If they have children, those children are called 'Nephilim' (mostly called Neph in these books) and they have to 'work' and help their parents to corrupt humans. Like a daughter of Astaroth would help break up marriages and relationships, and that is what the Nephilim are expected to do.
This story's protagonist is the daughter of a demon and an angel, her name is Anna Whitt. She grows up not knowing what she is, but knowing that she's different. She can see and feel other people's emotions, has heightened abilities and an amazing memory. And she's a goodie two shoes, pure and innocent, until, she attends a concert with her best friend and meets the drummer, Kaiden Rowe. He obviously knows what she is, after confronting her 'mother' about it and finding out what she is, Anna can't resist going back to Kaiden to find out more. Soon she's caught in a whirlwind of romance and heartbreak. How can she accept her fate of being a Nephilim when her other half is angelic?
I don't know, I'm bad with writing a synopsis, here's the real one:
Embrace the Forbidden

What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?

This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels.
Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She's aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but it isn't until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put to the test. He's the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.

Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns?

Those last lines really throw you off what this seres is really about. Sure, romance is a big part of it, but that's not the only thing. There's action in the later books, but the first book is more about relationship and world building, which is why you have to read past the first book, the second two are definitely more interesting, and part of that is that you know the world. I had a few problems with these books, one of them I guess is kind of the point- Anna is so good it got really annoying sometimes.  I mean, Anna sometimes acts more like a nine year old over a sixteen-eighteen year old. Another thing is that these books pass over a long extent of time. The first book, I think, is two years. Wendy could've been a little bit more detailed with that, one minute she's sixteen and leaving somewhere and the next it's seven months later or something. There was just a lot of skipping and it got kind of annoying. Then, I don't feel like this is a spoiler, but there's Kopano, and he and Anna have an instalove feel. I didn't like that because if it's going to be instalove you need a good reason behind it, maybe being a traumatizing situation together or he saved her life or something like that. But it's just BAM Kopano has feelings for Anna and I didn't like that. Okay so if you haven't read this series I recommend leaving now so I don't spoil you, then come back when you have read these books.


I was pretty confused at the beginning, like did her mom die die or just go back to heaven??? But I found out later that all Nephilim mothers die, it was explained pretty well in the book, instead of just saying oh yeah they die, Wendy provides a slight explanation about it. As I was saying earlier Anna really is a good girl, I mean she feltso bad about lying and saying Kaiden had an STD. Seriously, OMG she lied on purpose she's going to hell. -_-
I liked Kaiden instantaneously, I mean, he's a player and he has blue eyes, what's not to like?
Anna is just so naive, it got kinda annoying. Obviously what Scott gave her wasn't just juice, she's just way to trusting, of everyone. Like with Kaiden, she tells him her mother was an angel, what if he told his father? Because they didn't have much of a relationship yet so I don't think that was smart. It's also lucky when she told the other Neph that she was part angel that they didn't tell anyone.
Patti was a strange mother for sure, first off she was crying because of the breaks, but also she let her sixteen year old daughter go off with a seventeen year old boy who is a stranger not to mention the son of the Lust Duke across the country. I guess she trusted him because he was Nephilim but you obviously can't trust all Nephilim so really, why would she let Anna go with him? She was all protective about Anna going to parties but going alone across the country with the son of the Lust Duke? Why not? Ugh.
It was so awkward when Anna got caught looking for Kaiden's cologne, I mean, does it matter that much what cologne he wears? But at the same time it's really funny because Kaiden knows how to make awkward situations for Anna just like Jace, Daemon, etc. do. I'm one of those people who will 'feel' the protagonist's awkward feelings so I had to look away from my kindle sometimes before returning to the book.
Oh, funny story. So it's the middle of the night and I'm reading the part where they get Mexican food. Wendy describes the food in such detail and I was just getting so freaking hungry while I was lying in bed in the middle of the night, gee, thanks Wendy.
"You killed her- shame, too. she was nice to look at." I flipped out at the line. That was just so.. I don't know, this is going to sound odd, but mean. I felt so bad for Kaiden, that would've been horrible to be told that when you're young, that you killed your mother. It kinda reminds me of Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl.
Oh, andother thing that annoyed me why didn't Anna have a phone??  Like, she's seventeen, I needed a phone when I was ten, and Anna defiantly needed one, especially since she went across the country and needed to stay in contact with Patti.
I couldn't believe that Anna told Kaiden that she told those girls he had an STD. That would be so awkward to do, apparently Anna enjoys being in those awkward situations though. Although, Kaiden already knew, so it was more funny afterwards than awkward.
So.... Anna's half angel half demon. (TID SPOILER)



The difference between Kaiden and Kopano, is that you got towatch Anna and Kaiden's relationship build, when with Kope, they talk for like maybe two minutes and he likes her. Which is why, I think, the majority of people were team Kaiden, aside from the fact of, well, he's Kaiden Rowe. Kaiden and Anna just had a cute relationship, definitely my OTP of this book series.
I also loved Anna's relationship with her father, how protective he is of her and how he truly wants the best for her.
"She went apeshhh- um, she went crazy"
When Anna was freaking out about Kaiden turning her down, I was just like, shut up, Anna. It meant more that he turned her down than if he didn't because for him, that shows that he really did care for her.
I really wanted to know how Anna got that sword hilt through security, but we find out in the third book.
When we hear that Kaiden asked Jay about how Anna was I was just awfishbejgdbgoirg
Okay there were just A LOT of times where I'm just like ANNA YOU IDIOT. Like when she told Ginger, Kope, Marna and Blake that she hadn't been working, they could have told their parents!
Of course there had to be a mean twin, in books they're always extremely nice, one extremely nice and one mean or both jerks.
"She never uses her senses." Whoops. Lol.
When Belial was like "This isn't going to work" making a triangle between Anna, Kope, and Kai I was just laughing so hard, they hardly ever recognize the love triangle in the book.
Okay, Kope, he kind of stalked Anna to the mall. That's not romanticor cute, that's creepy and annoying. He came to the mall to talk to her, like he had no good reason. Ugh .
AW when Kai and Anna kiss in New York, and then he tells her he would run with her. THAT WAS FLIPPING ARSE ADORABLE. Then he stood up for her with the knife, that was really cute. Yes, I recognize Kope stood up, too, but I don't care, only Kai matters here, lol.
Seriously, I know it was wrong for the Dukes to kill Gerlinda, but Anna really had to stand up and shout NO! didn't she? IT was just annoying, we all knew she was going to do that, but she didn't have to.
I got SO many feels when she got that Grand Canyon Postcard saying 'I'm sorry' from Kaiden, I think I might have actually shrieked from the sheer amount of them.


As we gathered from the last book, Rahab is a wanker (my favorite insult ever since I heard it when I was watching The Originals last fall) and an arse. The prologue for this just made it even more obvious.
AW it was adorable how worried Jay was for Anna, their friendship was really quite cute in this book, in that last book she really took it for granted and was more concentrated on Kai.
Did anyone else think it was weird that a sword just convenientlypopped out of the hilt when needed?
I kept thinking of Daemon Black instead of Kaiden when reading these books... Oops... They are alike, though personally I like Daemon better.
Was anyone else really confused when Kope said he had two sins instead of one? And then he never explained why. I was like what? Did the two dukes get together or something? But then Belial explains it, so that was okay.
AW when Daemon--- I mean... Kai came to check up on Anna on Valentines I got a whole dose of the feels, but then we hear that he stopped working so he could feel 'worthy' of Anna. Cue the murderous amount of feels.
I loved Ginger and Patti's relationship. Patti was just so motherly to her and Ginger had always been the 'mother' for Marna. Like Patti might have been one of the only people that when Ginger first met she didn't act like she wanted to murder. When they made that cake together and Ginger made them take pictures of the cake and another of Ginger and Patti with the cake, that was just such a cute moment for Ginger.
This book was just filled with KaidenxAnna feels. When Kaiden tells her he really wanted to call her but her dad warned him off. Feels. When he stops her at the airport. Feels. When they officially get together. Crap load of feels.
Nice job Belial, sending Kope and Kaiden off together to save Zania.  
I was so worried for Flynn when they hadn't heard from him and he said he'd been followed, but then I was relieved when he was alive. But then, well, we all knew the Dukes were coming to the island, but all my relief for Flynn faded when he got shot. It was so sad! I was afraid Anna would jump out and blow everything, luckily she didn't do that, but it was really sad that Flynn died, but he never betrayed any of them, which made his death even more sad.


Let's start off with saying this book was all BAM SOMETHING HAPPENING BAM SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING BAM ANOTHER THING etc. It was kind of annoying. Okay, it was annoying. I think it should have been longer and more spread out.
I was on Ginger's side for the whole MarnaxJay thing. It was heartbreaking seeing Ginger realize Marna was pregnant and that she was going to loose her sister, her only real family to a human. I felt so bad for her, especially when she was begging (in Ginger form) for Marna to get an abortion, to take a pill anything but Marna refused. It was just really sad to see.
Okay, I like Jay, but I didn't like him at the same time. He was a really bad boyfriend to Veronica. When she asked him if he would dump her if Marna moved there, he said she was crazy but he knew he would and he dreamed of Marna. I was just mad at Jay for being such a bad boyfriend to Veronica.
Okay, Caterina sounded like an annoying twit. I already didn't like her because of Flynn's death, but then she starts getting all annoying on Anna and I really didn't like her. I didn't realize she was like 13, though, I thought when they said young that they meant like 15.
Another stupid annoying thing that happened in this book, okay so Anna deletes all the texts. Does she not realize that it's not truly deleted and the Dukes can still get ahold of the messages, especially if they're suspicious of her??
I was really confused about Marek, just like WAS HE ON THEIR SIDE OR NOT and we finally find out he is, at the end. Ugh.
Kai and Anna getting married was really cute, though, the logical side of me was thinking this, Does Blake have like the license to marry people?
By the Angel the fact that Kaiden took her to the Grand Canyon alifjsbiwfjsjwfsnbiruijrw
Her meeting with her mother was really sweet, I'm glad she got to meet her.
When Anna sent that picture, Kai's response was hilarious, like he was flipping out. Okay, so this annoyed me, they said ILU if they're going to abbreviate it, at least spell it right, ILY. -_- (sorry, grammar freak) or just say I love you...
"Would you say he's better looking than me?" I love how that was the first thing Kai asks.
Going back to before when I said I loved Ginger and Patti's relationship, the relationship became even more obvious in this book when Patti said stuff like "Sweet Ginger" and Ginger didn't even kill her. Or when Ginger said "That sounds lovely." It was saddening reading about when Ginger and Anna cried about Patti dying together. And how Ginger was going to bound forward when she saw Patti? Aw, I really like Ginger's character and I felt REALLY bad for her when we read that Marna died. I was hoping that by some miracle Marna would survive, but she didn't :(
Okay Wendy took the spirit scares overboard. There were TOO MANY times that they all flipped out over a spirit seeing them and it was Azael or Belial. It was just over used.
I was expecting that at least one of 'the group' was going to die in this book, especially after Flynn's death and when Kope was shot I thought he'd die, which was actually kind of okay with me because I never really liked Kope's character too much, too calm, too... good. Btu then he didn't die and none of them died in the battle. This is going to sound wrong but I feel like that was too... nice of Wendy. Like, none of us want anyone to die when they do die, we freak out, but when they don't you kind of feel like it was too nice. Does anyone else feel like that?
I found it funny when Ginger was willing to take Catarina in, but then she's like NO WAY am I ever getting married, but she does end up moving in with Blake which was really cute (with Catarina)
My last note was Aw... Marna died.
It was a good ending, just this book felt rushed. Also, if the female dies when having children and most Nephilim are 'fixed' then that race is going to probably die out in a few generations.

So, pretty good series, not my favorite, though. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

This book was so good, I went into it expecting it to be a solid 7/10 stars, but I was hooked in it by like page 60. I would give this book a 9/10 stars, it was so good. Jenny Han also wrote The Summer I Turned Pretty so maybe I'll try that out sometime, wow, my To Be Read list is growing dauntingly larger every day. The first few chapters aren't really al that interesting, but if you read past it you're sure to fall in love with it. Anyway, this book is about Laura Jean. Whenever she falls in love with a boy she'll write him a love letter saying anything she wants to because she's never going to send them. She pours her heart out into the letter, puts it in an envelope, writes the address, then puts the letter in her hatbox. It helps her to get over boys, without heartbreak or anything. But, one day her letters somehow get sent, and well, her life gets complicated. It's really hard to say anything about this book that isn't really a spoiler. So I'm just going to say this, this book is so good and I highly recommend it. It's funny, cute, quirky and has an adorable romance. If you haven't read it, what are you still doing? go read it now! Here's the synopsis: 

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister's ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.

It's so much better than it sounds, I promise. Lara Jean is a quirky cute character, she doesn't really have any experience in the world, but that's part of what makes this story interesting. If you haven't read this book I suggest you leave now so I don't spoil you :) Here's a link if you want to buy it yourself. It's a great book, I promise. 


I thought it was so cute how Lara Jean called Josh when she got into that accident, I thought Josh, for sure must be the guy she ends up with in the end. But then again, he is her sister's ex so.... I was also really saddened by that thought because I ended up really liking Peter. It's kind of funny how all of the three Song Girls liked Josh at some point .So when I was really pulled into the book was when Peter came and talked to Lara Jean about her letter, I literally looked away from the book and said "awkward, awkward, awkward" over and over again. My bet was on Kitty for the person who sent her letters, and I was right. Why I thought it was Kitty was because Kitty was mad at her for 'almost' telling Josh she had a crush on him. 
I was laughing so hard when Lara Jean was just like to Josh, Yeah I'm really upset but Peter and I broke up this weekend... and Josh is just like Really? Because I was talking to him this morning and he said he really liked you. 
When both Peter and Lara Jeans hands were sweating though. 
đŸ˜‚Peter's notes were pretty funny, because they were supposed to be 'love notes' so he wrote her something like 'nice job today' for her first note. 
I loved how she had to come face to face with almost all the boys who got her letters, but then Lucas was like 'I was totally honored to get this, but you know I'm gay, right?' and she's just thinking, Ugh Peter was right. 
I knew Peter and Lara Jean would end up liking each other, so I was rooting for Peter pretty soon after we got to know him. It was so cute how he was helping Lara Jean make cupcakes. They just did all those cute little things together that were unneeded that hinted that they were going to like each other. When he said his mom liked her ajkfnskjvdvh. And he started driving his mom's mini van so they could give Kitty rides to school, Peter just seems like a great guy. It was entertaining how Peter thought that Josh was a tool and Josh thought Peter was a douche. 
By the Angel, when Josh was Harry Potter and she was Cho Chang it was so funny how they were shouting spells at each other, then Peter got jealous and he's all like "I noticed." And I was AWWWW. I was laughing when she said "Silenco" 
(This isn't actually from the book so you can get the gist of it) 
*Peter says something about the spell not working*
*Lara Jean covers his mouth with her hand*
"Silenco, what were you saying?" Lol. 

"Yeah you would have been a very good Moaning Myrtle." 
All my notes are pretty much like "I WANT HER TO END UP WITH PETER" and "PLEASE, PLEASE END UP WITH PETER!" Yeah, I really liked Peter. I LOVED when they officially got together and were kissing in the hot tub. But then Gen had to go and ruin it by being a twat and telling her Peter was telling everyone they slept together in the hot tub WHICH HE DIDN'T. Ugh, I wanted to punch Gen in the face so badly for that. I just want to see her happy with Peter, like officially together, is that too much to ask, Jenny?  
During the Christmas thing when Peter and Josh have that little show down and Margo hears that she kissed Josh, drama! Aw but then she misses Peter and I was just like GET BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!  
Ugh the ending killed me, I stayed up till like 1 in the morning last night reading it which was kind of awkward because my friend had fallen asleep at like 11 and we had to get up early because we had to pack up. Then all I get at the ending is Dear Peter.... like WTF is THIS?! I NEED TO SEE PETER AND LARA JEAN OFFICIALLY TOGETHER AND HAPPY AND GOING ON DATES AND GOING ON DATES AND TOGETHER. Luckily there's another book, P.S. I Still Love You, which comes out April 2015. It says that another letter guy comes back and her feelings surface for him, I'm assuming it's John, since she saw him.  BUT OMG STAY WITH PETER PLEASE!!!!