Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sparks Rise by Alexandra Bracken

I was to lazy to take notes on this book. BUT SERIOUSLY AMAZING BOOK. I was able to finish this book before I even got to school this morning, but seriously go read this, especially if you're as impatient for In The Afterlight like I am. THIS BOOK JUST MADE ME WANT IT MORE. But seriously Alexandra, what is up with you and making your novellas end like this? I would give this novella a 9/10 stars. I liked it a lot better than the last novella, and I really hope to see Sam, Lucas and Zu in In The Afterlight. Actually I better see them, Alex. If you're going to bring Sam back into the story and add in Lucas we gotta hear about them in the last book! I seriously can't wait until that book comes out and this book made me even more impatient! Sparks Rise is about Sam, yeah remember her? From the first book? She's the one Ruby was best friends with until she accidentally erased herself from Sam's memory. Sam was the rebellious one. I loved hearing Sam's POV on Ruby, and how she just can't quite remember her but she really misses her. Then there's Lucas, Sam's childhood best friend. This book is dual POV coming from both Lucas and Sam. Before I felt bad for Ruby when she lost Sam since they were such good friends, but I didn't really care much about Sam, but after this book I have a lot more respect for Sam, though, my favorite characters still remain to be Cole, Ruby, Liam, and Chubs. Alex! When I saw the name I thought it was about Cole! Seriously, false hope there, but I did really end up enjoying this book, as you can see from my rating.
Don’t miss the thrilling novella that connects the last two novels in the New York Times best-selling Darkest Mindstrilogy. 

Sam didn’t think things could get worse at Thurmond rehabilitation camp. Then the Reds arrive. Everyone assumed the kids with firepower had been killed years ago. Instead they were taken away, brainwashed, and returned as terrifyingly effective guards. To her horror, Sam recognizes one of them: Lucas, the one spark of light in Sam’s dark childhood. Lucas has a deadly secret–he beat the brutal training that turned his fellow Reds into mindless drones. When Sam defends herself against an attack by a vile PSF guard and faces a harrowing punishment, Lucas must risk his everything to save her.

Includes a bonus preview chapter from the final Darkest Minds novel, In the Afterlight

Let's talk about this bonus 'chapter' shall we? So the prologue- like one page and then the 'chapter' is literally like 2-3 pages! Now I REALLY want In The Afterlight! (Which I guess is the point) someone please give me In The Afterlight now! I NEED IT. I need to read about Ruby, Liam, Cole, Chubs, Zu, Sam, Lucas, Vida and everyone else!! Okay, sorry about how short this post is, I gotta go and reread my favorite part of Never Fade (where he remembers) and sob about how In The Afterlight isn't out yet. See you guys next time ;) Though, I thick I might take a break from reading for a little, but don't worry I will still be reading (I just started Kiss of Deception) I just won't be full-time reading for now because I feel like taking a break :)

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