Monday, July 7, 2014

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Look what I actually got around to reading! I actually read this on May 26, 2014 (remember how I posted a crap load of reviews on that weekend?) but as of the fact that I was at my cousins who live in the middle of practical no where their internet broke. So I finally got around to reviewing this book :). It's kinda a coming of age romance story. For me it was a very cutesy book that I would read when I had a lot of time to spare but not one that I would leap at to reread. I would rate this book a 6/10 stars. I liked it but I wasn't hooked. It's not exactly my type of book if you've read a bunch of my good reviews you'd know my ideal type of book is Romance/Action/Adventure Y/A book. So I liked it, but I didn't love it. Here is the synopsis in case you want to read it:
Two misfits.
One extraordinary love.
... Red hair, wrong clothes. Standing behind him until he turns his head. Lying beside him until he wakes up. Making everyone else seem drabber and flatter and never good enough...Eleanor.
Park... He knows she'll love a song before he plays it for her. He laughs at her jokes before she ever gets to the punch line. There's a place on his chest, just below his throat, that makes her want to keep promises...Park.
Set over the course of one school year, this is the story of two star-crossed sixteen-year-olds—smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try
So anyway if that sounded interesting to you and you want to buy the physical book click here. Not sure if I am going to buy it for my bookshelf or not. I am going to read Fangirl someday because my very good friend _fandoms_8989_ absolutely loves it. So if you're reading this, I'M GOING TO READ THAT BOOK EVENTUALLY. I also plan on reading Attachments  by Rainbow Rowell. I'm not sure about Landline, though. I have SO many new books I want to read and the summer's almost over! :( But then of course I can still stay awake for all hours during the school year, though I don't want a rerun of two years ago in which I fell asleep during class like one a month (I stayed up very late watching TV....) So this book.... I liked that for once, this is going to sound terrible that a character isn't like perfectly in shape, it shows that you can have your own story when you aren't well, perfect looking. I liked that about it. I wasn't the biggest fan of the some of Eleanor and Park's characteristics but I can deal with it. There were a lot of cute moments where I was just like AWWWWWW between P&E and I liked that too, very adorable. So I recommend this book if you have some free time to read, it's cute and makes you think... kinda. I hear there will be a sequel book like 10 years later some day but that may just be a rumor IDK. So go read this book if you haven't read it and then come back and we can compare thoughts :D 


I didn't get why everyone was such a bitch to the new kid? Like when there are new people in my year my group of friends is sort of like... tightly knit so we take a while to let anyone new in but we're not like giant bitches to anyone new. Like Tina was being a butt face (trying to limit my language here) to Eleanor just because she was new, which I just didn't get. Maybe it's just my school that's not totally bitchy to new people or maybe it was just back in the time of the book, I don't know. Park was being a jerk to Eleanor in the beginning too, I didn't like that. Eleanor seems to have a very trying life, like I felt so bad for her while reading. Especially because of Rich, he seemed like a grade A asshole. 
I found it kinda cute when Eleanor started reading his comics and he took longer to turn the pages so she could read it. That would be the beginning of their relationship in my opinion. When Park got nervous about not having any new comics for Eleanor, I just thought that was adorable. 
Then I was so in cute bliss when Park made Eleanor a playlist and she listened to it all the time and Park asked for a bunch of batteries  so he could give them to Eleanor. 
I did not like Rich from the beginning. He just didn't sound like a good guy and that Eleanor just had the wrong idea. Why I didn't like him from the start was because Eleanor's mother went out of her way to make him happy and if he was actually a good guy she wouldn't have to do that. It didn't seem like her mom did that out of love for Rich, just to avoid his rage. Then he hit her mom and gave her a hickey after like beating her. Why in Raziel's name was she still with him?
It was sweet when Park let Eleanor use his headphones. 
I felt SO bad for Eleanor when she said she used salt because she didn't have a toothbrush. Like I take brushing my teeth for granted and reading about that kinda grossed me out and depressed me at the same time. 
When Eleanor likes Park she calls him by his real name, then they finally start talking it's really cute. It was so obvious when they started liking each other because they noticed the other's habits and hair. 
Then Park came over and brought his comic book and they read it together AWWWWWWWWWWW. I was listening to She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 when they were reading the comic and I was just so in the cute zone. Then they were holding hands and SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!
Was it possible to rape someone's hand? lol that was funny. 
Mondays were the best and Saturdays were the worst--- now that is seriously love. 
The only reason she wants to babysit is to talk to Park, that was adorable! Then the phone call was MORE ADORABLE. And he got sorta protectively mad over her book, which I loved. 
The fact that she got nervous about meeting his parents, well don't we all get nervous about meeting our boyfriend/girlfriend's parents for the first time? Then Park got in a fight for Eleanor, that was so cute, I want a boy who would fight for me! (Jace Herondale maybe? Or a Daemon Black....)
RICHIE I WANTED HIM TO DIE AND GET REJECTED BY HELL BECAUSE OF HIS ASSYNESS. (ASSINESS?) He needs to BUY his children more things. I don't care if they're his step children, at least by the things they need! 
I loved Park's parents, especially his mom. How she didn't like Eleanor but then she saw all her siblings and started to like her more because she understood how hard it was? So cute. 
I got really freaked out over the gunshots. She was only trying to do the right thing, Rich a.k.a ASSHOLE SEBASTIAN MORGENSTERN LEVEL
When Eleanor stayed for dinner and they kissed AWWW. Then later her dad is just like, you can stay for dinner whenever, I was like THIS IS ADORABLE I LOVE PARK'S FAMILY. (You don't hear a lot about Josh which is realistic because some people are very distant from their siblings and don't really notice them a lot) 
Park was being an idiot when he took Tina's side, like no, you always take your girlfriend's side over your ex's. They literally were with each other 24/7 it was cute but a little annoying that they didn't have lives apart from each other, I wish Park had other friends that he could like talk to about Eleanor and get advice from and stuff. But they're both misfits so..
OMG when  Park's mom had makeover night with Eleanor? SO CUTE. I loved how she gave her make up and stuff to keep. Though, when Park started wearing make up, I get his statement that he wanted to be himself, but I did not like that, I just thought it was weird. 
Park and Eleanor's date was really cute. \
I liked that Tina was being nice to Eleanor in the end because she sort of understood her, you know? EW it was Rich that was writing that stuff, which is so messed up. 
The end, WHY DIDN'T ELEANOR CONTACT PARK?! that pissed me off so much. Then she sends him one postcard it's like NO he likes you! I wanted a happy ending -_- During the end I was listening to Down by Jason Walker and it was really depressing. 
So that's all I've got to say! Watch my twitter for more posts :) 
My next post will probably be a blog-bookhaul type WANT TO READ thing IDK though. 
So I'm going to England, Iceland and Scotland in a week and I'm so excited, I've never been to Europe! :D 

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