Monday, July 7, 2014

Lorien Legacies: Revenge of Seven Summary and Fall of Five raging

I read these a long time ago, but since the summery for book five came out, I'm going to be reviewing Fall of Five too
The book summary for book 5 in the Lorien Legacies book series is out, though the name has yet to be released.
Spoilers below if you haven't read Fall of Five
Go read I'm Number Four, The Power of Six, The Rise of Nine, and The Fall of Five, then come back here and read this (They're really good!) 
The worst was supposed to be over. We were reunited after a decade apart. We were discovering the truth about our past. We were training and getting stronger every day. We were even happy....

We never imagined that the Mogadorians could turn one of our own against us. We were fools by trusting Five. And now Eight is lost forever. I would do anything to bring him back, but that's impossible. Instead I will do whatever it takes to destroy every last one of them.

I've spent my entire life hiding from them, and they've  stolen everything away from me. But that stops now. We're going to take the battle to them. We have a new ally who knows their weaknnesses. And I finally have the power to fight back.   

They caught Number One in Malaysia  Number Two in England. Number Three in Kenya. And Number Eight in Florida. They killed them all.

I am Number Seven I will make them pay.

Fall of Five
SpoilersGo Marina! I loved her and Eight together! Go die in a freaking hole Five! Ok, when he tried to kill Nine, that was not ok (For some reason I have a thing for cocky sarcastic characters *cough* *cough*Jace *cough* Will) I love Nine, but seriously! Don't kill Eight either!  Admittedly I was really upset when Marina didn't kill Five. But I'm also glad Nine isn't dead, and Six. After I was done The Fall Of Five I walked around the house in a daze for a while, I was thinking Eight can't be dead, Eight can't be dead. Over and Over. Also here is a 

Crazy Theory
The leader of the Mogadoriens (Setrakus Ra) Is actually not a Mog, he's Loric. He is Ella's weird loner father guy. The way that he got his big scar is from his wife, when she found out what he had done, tried to stop him, but failed and died trying. The he's a Garde so he can change his shape as one of his Legacies, he never wanted to ruin Lorien, he wanted to rule it, and he wants Ella because she is his daughter and reminds him of her mother, whom he killed. 
Back on topic 
PITTICUS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU KILL OFF EIGHT LIKE WTF TO THAT I LOVE EIGHT AND MARINA THEY WERE ONE OF MY OTPS (haha one true pairing.... whatever.)THEN YOU KILLED BERNIE KOSAR NO THAT IT NOT OK> NOT OK AT ALL>< But I am excited to see Adam working with 4, I love Adam, he has a lot of courage to turn on his own people. but SERIOSULY HE SEES ONE FOR THE LAST TIME AND SHE KISSES HIM AND THAN FADES AWAY?! WHAT'S WITH THAT?!!!! Every time when I think of that I'm left with an empty feeling because of how much Adam and One were perfect for each other. She couldn't just... fade away from him like that.  Will Adam get the rest of One's Legacies? Or just the earth power? Will he develop telekinesis? I hope he does get more powers, since he's awesome. My favorite Characters are probably:
Adam  (goes along with One too)
Bernie Kosar
Random dead Mog
Random dead Mog
Random dead Mog
same thing x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
And then at the bottom, FREAKING STUPID FIVE
My fav cepans are
Let's see if I didn't clarify this earlier, I HATE FIVE's guts. 
I rate this series a 7/10 because I didn't like Fall of Five as much (*cough* *cough* because of Eight and Bernie Kosar) I rate I am Number Four 9/10 stars The Power of Six 8.8/10 stars The Rise of Nine 8/10 stars and The Fall of Five 5/10 stars

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