Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reboot by Amy Tintera

    If you remember, I've wanted to read this book for a while now. So, my shipment of books came in yesterday, well most of them. I was planning on reading the Unearthly Trilogy first, but amazon sent me the second two books first -_-. So I decided to pick up Reboot before I went to bed last night. This book didn't have enough reactions from me for a spoiler review, so this one is spoiler free :D So you guys can stay for all of it ;) When I say the book didn't get enough reaction out of me, I'm just saying I didn't have any impulses to write much down, I had about four notes, usually I won't make a spoiler review if I have less than have a page of notes, unless I really want to talk about it. This book was a sort of like, this isn't the right word but it's the only one I can think of at the moment- plain book. It had action scenes, a kick arse protagonist and a cool concept but it was just lacking, what I don't know, I just can't quite put my finger on it. I would give this book a 6.4/10 stars. It was good but not great or amazing more of a mediocre. Like I started this right before I went to bed, went to sleep early and didn't have a second thought about the book after putting it down and going to sleep, usually when I stop reading a book to sleep my brain is whirling. Like when I was reading Obsidian, though I really had to stop in that book at an unfortunate place. This book was just an easy put down book, very light, not a heavy read, which is the kind I prefer. Like I read it this morning before I went to school, but I didn't find it worth it to bring with me, and I didn't think about it at all or wonder about what would happen. It was almost a six stars but I added the .4 because I like when the main character can do a good arse kicking from the beginning.
    Reboot is a dystopian novel, and in this future, the only state left with living humans in it is Texas, the Republic of Texas, now. So, like many, many, many, dystopian novels, there's a sickness that causes the events to occur. The illness killed off the rest of America, or so they believe, I'm not sure if in the second book maybe Texas is just keeping America out or something. A Reboot is someone who died and came back to life, our protagonist, Wren Conally, is a Reboot. The longer a Reboot is dead, the more powerful and less human they are. Wren, is the Reboot who has been dead the longest, one-hundred seventy eight minutes. Once you become a Reboot you're 'property' of the government, kinda reminds me of the Lux Series there. Wren, has lived in this government facility for five years now, and she's their best soldier. Since she's been dead so ing, she has no feelings, hence she follows orders perfectly, no conflicting emotions. Wren is able to carry out all the tasks they give her, arresting people and going out to kill them mainly. When she's not out on a mission, Wren is usually training a new Reboot a 'newbie'. To be a trainer I think you have to have been dead for over a hundred minutes. Since Wren has the most minutes dead, she gets to pick her trainee, or newbie first. She always picks the highest number, as of the fact the highest numbers are stronger and feel less. Until now. This time, she picks Callum, a twenty two, which might be the lowest Reboot number ever. Callum is clumsy and has too many feelings. And he smiles too much. It's a little confusing to Wren, but slowly he begins to grow on her. The problem is, Callum is too human, he doesn't follow orders and he's not willing to kill people. The government doesn't like that, and Reboots who don't follow orders are killed. When Wren is ordered to kill Callum, she can't bring herself to do it, but if she doesn't kill him, it means both of them are dead.
    There's a slight summery of the book. I avoided this book for a long time because of Callum, I just don't like his name, sorry any Callum's reading this. It deeply reminds me of Callum from the Secret Circle. 
    Callum in The Secret Circle was creepy and weird. Plus I just don't really like the name Callum. Again, no offense any Callum's reading this. Also, I guess it wouldn't bother me as much if Callum was a kick arse main character like Wren or Addie. But he's not. Another reason I avoided this was because I knew Callum wouldn't be all kick arse. I wouldn't mind if the girl saved the guy every now and then, and Callum doesn't have to be a knight in shining armor, but he just bothered me. He refused to listen to orders, which is part of the plot, I guess, but he was just constantly doing things that irritated me.
    Then there's Ever, who is pretty much Wren's only friend. I really liked her. She was nice, sweet and really lovable she might be my favorite character in this book aside from Wren. I don't really like the name Ever much either, but her personality makes up for it.
    This is the official synopsis for the book:

    Five years ago, Wren Connolly was shot three times in the chest. After 178 minutes she came back as a Reboot: stronger, faster, able to heal, and less emotional. The longer Reboots are dead, the less human they are when they return. Wren 178 is the deadliest Reboot in the Republic of Texas. Now seventeen years old, she serves as a soldier for HARC (Human Advancement and Repopulation Corporation).

    Wren’s favorite part of the job is training new Reboots, but her latest newbie is the worst she’s ever seen. As a 22, Callum Reyes is practically human. His reflexes are too slow, he’s always asking questions, and his ever-present smile is freaking her out. Yet there’s something about him she can’t ignore. When Callum refuses to follow an order, Wren is given one last chance to get him in line—or she’ll have to eliminate him. Wren has never disobeyed before and knows if she does, she’ll be eliminated, too. But she has also never felt as alive as she does around Callum.

    The perfect soldier is done taking orders.

    I usually don't read anything below a 4 stars on goodreads, might as well read the highly recommended ones first, if I'm in the bookstore, I'll use the goodreads scanner and if it's three stars I'll be okay with putting it down unless it is really pulling to me. There are two main reasons I read books 1. If I find one that has a good synopsis and has four stars on goodreads 2. if one of my favorite book tubers or book reviewers have recommended it. I'm really picky about my books, just ask people I know, if I don't get a high recommendation from someone who's opinion I trust or find it myself, I will probably not read the book. I can see why this book hasn't made it to 4 stars on goodreads, it's just not very compelling, you don't insanely want to keep reading it. I don't highly recommend this book, and I probably won't be tearing through Rebel, the second and last book in this dualology but I'm planning on starting it sometime tonight. Maybe after I shower and do some procrastinating things. Maybe study some spanish or french, too. I don't know yet. I have a problem with once I start a series I have to finish it, unless it's really really bad, there is only one book that I never finished the series to, and that was The Maze Runner, I just couldn't get into that book and my friends agree with me on that one. Thomas was dull and the book was rather boring too. I mean, I even finished the Matched series, the first book to that series was okay the second book was crap and the third book might've been worse, I can't remember. I also can't read more than one book at once, but that's not much of a problem since I read them so quickly. Like two of my friends can read multiple books at a time and stop in the middle of one and just not read it again. I can't do that. And if either of you two are reading this yet, I can't believe neither of you have finished City of Heavenly Fire yet, you both got it the week it came out. One of them read like 80% of it on the first and second day and hasn't picked it up since, and the other just doesn't read that much. The one that read 80%, I can't believe you, first you skip City of Ashes, Clockwork Prince and just skip to the epilogue of Clockwork Princess, but HOW COULD YOU NOT FINISH CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE?! I just don't understand. Sorry this is a friend rant now, haha, okay see you guys when I finish Rebel, the review will probably be up tomorrow or the next day depending how lazy I feel.

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