Saturday, August 30, 2014

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

    First off I want to congratulate Amie and Meagan for being able to write a book together from opposite sides of the world. Next I want to congratulate them on writing a amazing book.  This is definitely now one of my favorite books. Unlike when I went into Reboot, I had high expectations from this book, because of all the high and good ratings I've read on goodreads and heard from people. I was not at all disappointed this book took me on so many twists and turns and I still love it, because, well, I love a book that can surprise me, but not totally shock me and then murder me *cough* *cough* Allegiant. This book was a perfect balance of surprise, nothing over and nothing under. It was also so beautifully realistic in the characterization and the romance. I heard that this book was the 'space titanic' which is kinda true. Well, I haven't seen the Titanic, but I know the basics. I would give this book a 9.5/10 stars. Like I said before A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was just so perfectly balanced out, I really enjoyed reading this. If you're friends with me on goodreads you'd know this book took me longer than usual to finish it (a day) not because this book is a difficult read, but because I'm a little tired of marathon reading since I just finished the summer reading competition. In which, I might add, I read 31, 890 pages or something like that. This book's blurb is from Marie Lu, which made me want to read it even more since I love Marie Lu (author of the Legend Trilogy). I think this book doesn't get enough hype. You have some over hyped books like Matched and The Maze Runner, when other books that are a bijillion times better are just sitting there. Plus look at the beautiful cover!
    No matter what you say, we all judge books by their covers, so if you're telling me that you're a YA book lover and you SAW this book in the bookstore and didn't want to read it, either you're lying or you're in denial. I think I might be in love with this cover, it fits the book and it's beautiful and as for the next book in this series- This Shattered World- I don't like the cover as much, butI still like it. These Broken Stars definitely is one of my favorite covers, the background is beautiful and so is the picture and it fits the book, what else could you possibly want in life??? She's wearing a green dress on the cover, which yes, she is wearing for a lot of the book, unlike the Shatter Me cover. Let's see, this cover is gorgeous, fits the book, is cute, has a good font, have I mentioned gorgeous? I wish the people who thought out the covers for this thought out the Vampire Academy covers, because the covers and the name don't really do that series justice.
    Okay, sorry for my cover rave there, but just LOOK at the cover! I highly recommend this book, now you're probably like okay, it's like the space titanic, what else? Actually, if you read it you probably aren't thinking that. This book is about Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Meredsen. I didn't like the names much either but the beauty of this book made me forget that (kinda like with the name Clary) It's dual POV. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man on earth, while Tarver is a rather ordinary soldier (okay maybe not that ordinary). He knows that messing with girls like Lilac never works out and to stay away from them, but when their space ship, Icarus, crashes and they're the only survivors, it's kind of hard to do that.
    This book like I said before is just so beautifully written, the characterization is spot on and the romance is just beautiful. I apologize for the over use of the word beautiful in this review. But by the angel this book deserves it. I love Lilac, she's not a spoiled rich brat, she's a good strong protagonist and so is Tarver. I hardly ever had moments were I was annoyed with them.
    Alright, here's the official synopsis for this perfect book.

    It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

    Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

    Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

    Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.


    A timeless love story, These Broken Stars sets into motion a sweeping science fiction series of companion novels. The Starbound Trilogy: Three worlds. Three love stories. One enemy.

    You don't think that sounds good? I don't like you, haha just kidding, I love you if you're reading my review, but it is better than the synopsis, I swear to the Angel Raziel. So I'm afraid I'm going to spoil you if I say anymore, so go read this book... now... and then come back to read my review :)


    Like I said before I really went into this book with high expectations, I got myself really excited this time by reading some of my friends' reviews on goodreads, by ten pages in I was already assuming it was a 9/10 stars. By halfway through I was sure it was a 9/10 stars unless something truly terrible happened. 3/4 of the way through I almost cried, I had one tear drop fall from my face. 1/1 of the way through I was freaking out and blogging about it almost immediately.
    I found it entertaining how both Lilac and Tarver were waiting for the other to turn around and come after them, technically Tarver was the one to turn around, but for a very good reason- saving Lilac's life from a giant evil feline.
    Obviously the things Lilac kept hearing weren't hallucinations, like it's a book, this is not a hallucination. I really wanted to know what it was though. Did anyone else find it an adorable moment when Tarver was talking to Lilac about his house to try and cheer her up? just AWWW.
    "By comparison, a beautiful girl sounds like a vacation." There are no words. None for how I was feeling there, this book just sent me into spirals. It's romance was spot on, not instalove (thank the angel) but not something that took them so long to get together that it annoyed even me, who loves the tension. I thought that mate something attacked Icarus, like how Tarver saw that thing besides Icarus and how they saw stuff in the sky, will that come into play later I wonder? It says one enemy. Who do you think that is? Feel free to comment below about it, I want to know. Is the enemy nature? Oo her father? OR WHAT??? I need to know! I can't wait until December for the next book! Flynn and Lee sound like great characters! (Lee is a girl)
    'He's drowning. And I'll drown with him.' This book had a little bit of a poetic side, which I enjoyed, I always like my meaningful quotes along with my humorous ones. That one quote I just found poetic and cute at the same time, Lilac and Tarver's relationship is so complicatedly simple that you can't help but love it and become invested in it.
    "Remember the ladylike behavior of yours?" Haha the clothes part.
    So between chapters we keep reading parts of Tarver's interview, at first I was exceedingly confused at what in the angel's name that was, but by like the fourth chapter I got it. Then about 40% through it got me thinking, why isn't Lilac there? At first I would've just thought that she'd have been shipped away or was with her father or something but then I thought.... It couldn't be because she's dead... could it? But we'll get to that later. I kind of want to know more about Sarah, Tarver's ex, the one who he thought was Lilac (is that how you say it??)
    Okay one of the few times I got slightly aggravated at Tarver was when he was convincing himself that Lilac only liked him because he was the 'last' person there. I see the logic behind that, he can't have his walls to open up only to be torn down and wrecked when he was right, but still it's a NOVEL of course she likes him for him.
    The first time he says 'my girl' whiwdvijowfviohvwfwivohas vfh the feels, yes I did notice the small two letters in front of girl.
    When Tarver was sick and he talked to Alec, I forgot to mention this, I thought that was cute and funny. I'm glad that Tarver got to talk to Alec twice, hav egis last two conversations with his older brother before he was completely gone. If you didn't know, my new laptop that I got this summer, is named Alec. Not after this Alec of course, but Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments. Why? Because I often refer to Alec Lightwood as my 'babe' or my baby and for a couple weeks I just called my computer 'my baby' because I couldn't think up a name, so when one of my friends noticed this and said I should name him Alec, I thought about it and decided to name him that. I now have two laptops, Alec and the Crapbox. I went on the Crapbox the other night to get the last of my files off it, ugh it is so slow and crashed which is what really pushed me to get a new computer. Just having the Crapbox and Alec next to each other made me realize just how much I love and cherish Alec.
    "I'd fight for you." S'cuse me whilst I go die of the feels.
    Oh dear Raziel when Lilac freaking died, I flipped. I just kept going over it in my head, Lilac can't be dead, there are like two more books. What? What is this? They have to bring her back. Maybe her ghost....? I actually went back to read that part just to make sure I wasn't imagining it. My eyes got watery and one tear slipped out. Congrats Amie and Meagan, you actually got a tear out of me. I wasn't exactly thinking straight, like Tarver, but I knew Lilac had to come back somehow, otherwise this book would probably just be from Tarver's POV... right?
    I'm pretty sure everyone was confused at what exactly this in-pain ghost-Lilac was, and why she was brought back to life. I was really glad Lilac was back, though. So Amie and Meagan give us this hope and then.... we find out she's just temporary. Yeah, no. That is not okay. FAKE HOPE!
    But not fake hope...
    'How can you cave someone who's already dead?' I absolutely loved this quote. This book was just so well written, you have to read it if you continued on to read even though you shouldnt've (Is that how you say it?)
    When Tarver was telling Lilac that he loved her and that she was real, that is a I'm-crying moment, I wasn't actually crying, but I sure felt like it on the inside.
    Okay so it took them like forever to figure out that the password was 'lilac' seriously, that would've been my first guess and if I were someone breaking in, well, LaRouxs, you're screwed.
    Ugh that part in the interview meant to screw with you when he said he was 'trying to save his daughter' and then the interrogator is like 'well he lost her anyway' I was just like WHAT?! WHAT?! I'm still kind of like "WHAT?!" About that but as it also went through my mind then, I guess it just meant he lost her because she was like blackmailing him, yeah, great father-daughter relationship.
    This books ending was nothing less than perfect, I absolutely loved this book. Keep checking in for more reviews, I still have the Unearthly Trilogy, Rebel Belle, and Immortal City left sitting on my TBR part of my book shelf ;)

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